HOW TO ALLOCATE YOUR DONATION TO A COMMUNITY OF YOUR CHOICE ? 1/ In "the cause i wish to support" choose "to a community of my choice" 2/ TYPE the city (or country) and the name of the community in the search field 3/ SELECT. 

My donation

The cause I wish to support

I make a One-time Donation

Your donation of 0 , only costs you 0 after a tax reduction of 66%, up to 20% of your taxable income. Any surplus can be carried forward 5 years.
Your donation of 0 , only costs you 0 after a tax reduction of 60% up to 0.5% of turnover.

I make a regular donation

€ /month

Your donation of 0 , only costs you 0 after a tax reduction of 66%, up to 20% of your taxable income. Any surplus can be carried forward 5 years.
Your donation of 0 , only costs you 0 after a tax reduction of 60% up to 0.5% of turnover.

My details

* Mandatory fields

My payment

The Fondation des Monastères solidarity fund

The Fondation des Monastères (Monasteries Foundation) receives around a hundred requests for financial assistance each year from monasteries in difficulty to finance work or social contributions. 3 to 5 million euros are thus allocated to monasteries by the Fondation des Monastères (Monasteries Foundation) upon presentation of their project. The funds come from the solidarity fund which is supplied by : 

- donations and legacies received by the Fondation des Monastères (Monasteries Foundation) for its mission of helping monasteries in difficulty,

- the share left by donors and testators on donations (5 %) and legacies (10 %) primarily allocated to the monasteries of their choice.

Distribution of financial aid upon projet awarded in 2022 to monasteries in difficulty :

Security of your donations

This website is 100% secure.

All banking information to process the payment is encrypted using the SSL protocol.

Contact us

The Fondation des Monastères donor service is available to answer your questions by writing to fdm@fondationdesmonasteres.org.